Solar PV for your home

Home » Solar PV for your home

Generation Solar are experts in designing, installing and maintaining Solar PV for your home. We will help reduce your electricity bills, make your home more energy efficient and help push towards a greener planet.

Whether you wish to generate energy at home or install a battery to store electricity, we can help by advising the system that will suit your needs best. 

Are Generation Solar the choice for you?
Generation Solar work with a relaxed selling approach with no hard sell tactics. We come from a technical background and a passion for our planet, so will only provide you with a system that works for you, both for your energy needs and your pocket. We will also support you after the installation has been completed, with systems typically lasting over 20 years, we are here to support you and your system into the future. All projects are designed in-house, using installers with a wealth of solar experience.

Call us on 07531 725 124, request a quote online, or email We would love to hear from you. Until a quote has been agreed and signed there is no charge, so what have you got to lose?

The Generation Solar Process

  • Book a free, no obligation survey with our surveyor.
  • We will come out assess your property for the suitability of solar PV and answer any questions.
  •  A design will then be completed, specific to your property and energy needs.
  • A detailed quote will be sent to you detailing specific products being used,  the amount of energy estimated to be produced and the potential financial savings.
  • If you decide to proceed, we will book your installation for a date that suits you.
  • Installations will normally take between 1 and 2 days to complete by our fully qualified and experienced installers.
  • A full handover will be provided once the installation has been completed. You are then ready to produce your very own green energy. 


Residential Solar PV
A woodland

Doing our bit for planet earth

At Generation Solar we feel that the future of our woodlands is imperative to our chances of reversing climate change. So we want to put our money where our mouth is.

For every new Solar PV installation that we complete under 10kW we will donate £25 to the Woodland Trust. For every system we install over 10kW we will donate £50.

This money will help protect our woodlands for future generations.

What about the Feed in Tariff?

Unfortunately the Feed in Tariff in the UK finished at the end of March 2019 after the price of solar got to a level where it was thought it could stand it’s own. Since the solar boom started in 2010, the cost of installations have dropped by approx. three quarters. This is mostly to do with the introduction of feed in tariff’s across the world, increasing the demand for solar panels, pushing up manufacturing levels and bringing down prices.  

So now there is no feed in tariff what other benefits are there?

Export Tariff

 The export tariff was introduced at the beginning of 2020 as a way for new solar PV owners to get paid for any electricity they export back to the grid. 

In an ideal world you would use all the electricity you produce on site, but there are always going to be times when you export back on to the grid. For every kW of electricity you export you get paid a certain price. The money is paid by electricity providers. A table below shows the most up to date prices as far as we aware based on information taken from Solar Energy UK.

To get an accurate measure of how much electricity you are exporting, a smart meter will need to be installed to replace your existing home generation meter. The meters are free of charge and are installed by your electricity supplier, so if you are thinking of getting solar then organise to get a smart meter as soon as possible. 

When getting a smart meter make sure it is a SMETS2 meter. This is the newest meter and by getting this one it means you can change electricity suppliers easily without the hassle of having to change the meter everytime.

Smart Energy Guarantee

Tariff NameTariff TypeTariff LengthTariff Rate (p/kWh)Payment CycleIncludes Battery StorageMust be on supplier import tariff
Good EnergySolar Savings ExclusiveFixed12-month fixed term40p3 monthsYesSolar and battery installed by Good Energy
E.ON NextNext Export Premium v2Fixed24-month fixed length21p12 monthsYesYes
OVO EnergySolar & Battery Install SEGVariableNo fixed end date20p3 monthsYesSolar and battery installed by OVO
So EnergySo BrightFixed or Variable12-month fixed term20pMonthlyYesYes
E.ON NextNext Export ExclusiveFixed12-month fixed term16.5p12 monthsYesYes
British GasExport and Earn PlusVariableNo fixed end date15.1p3 monthsYesYes
OctopusOutgoing FixedFixedNo fixed end date15pMonthlyYesYes
OctopusOutgoing AgileVariableNo fixed end date0-Xp “typical household in Winter ’22-’23 paid around 35 p/kWh average”MonthyYesYes
Good EnergySolar SavingsVariableNo fixed end date15p3 monthsYesYes
OVO EnergySolar Install SEGVariableNo fixed end date15p3 monthsNoSolar installed by OVO
ScottishPowerSmartGen+VariableNo fixed end date15p3 monthsYesYes
ScottishPowerSmartGenVariableNo fixed end date12p3 monthsYesNo
EDFExport Variable ValueVariableNo fixed end date5.6p3 monthsYesYes
Utility WarehouseUW Smart Export Guarantee – BundleVariableNo fixed end date5.6pUnknownUnknownYes
So EnergySo Export FlexFixed or VariableNo fixed end date4.5pMonthlyYesNo
OctopusOctopus SEG TariffFixedNo fixed end date4.1pMonthlyYesNo
OVO EnergyOVO SEG TariffFixed12 month fixed term4.0p3 monthsYesNo
Shell EnergySEG V1 TariffVariableNo fixed end date3.5p12 monthsYesNo
British GasExport and Earn FlexVariableNo fixed end date3.02p3 monthsYesNo
E.ON NextNext ExportFixed12 month fixed term3.0p12 monthsYesNo
EDFExport VariableVariableNo fixed end date3.0p3 monthsYesNo
UtilitaUtilita Smart Export GuaranteeFixedNo fixed end date3.0p3 monthsUnknwonNo
Utility WarehouseUW Smart Export Guarantee – StandardVariableNo fixed end date2.0pUnknownUnknownNo
ESEG TariffFixedUnknown1.0pUnknownUnknownNo



Table taken from Solar Energy UK. Pricing correct as of October 2024.

Do you have a water tank to heat your water?

If you have a water tank to heat your water in your home then you can use your solar to help heat your water. A Solar iBoost can take any excess electricity that you would normally send back to the grid to heat your water. This can be installed as part of your PV installation and is an excellent addition when looking to reduce your carbon footprint by reducing your need for gas. Click on the link above for more information.